The Journal of Private International Law is inviting abstracts for its 8th conference to be held at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich from 12-14 September 2019. Abstracts of up to 500 words from scholars, at any stage of their career, should be sent to by Monday 7 January 2019.
The Journal has held very successful conferences in Aberdeen (2005), Birmingham (2007), New York (2009), Milan (2011), Madrid (2013), Cambridge (2015) and Rio de Janeiro (2017). Its biennial conferences provide a unique forum for scholars from all over the world to meet and advance the discipline of private international law.
Speakers will not be required to pay a registration fee but must cover their own travel and accommodation costs. It is expected that speakers will, before the end of 2019, submit the final version of their papers to be considered for publication in the Journal in the first instance.
Further details can be found in volume 14(2) of the Journal or on the University’s website.
Thanks go to Michael Douglas for alerting me to the call for papers.
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