On Friday, 7 October 2106, the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London will host a half-day conference on Changes and challenges in cross-border litigation after the Brexit referendum. Designed to give speakers and attendees the opportunity to reflect on topics that are or could be affected by ‘Brexit’ for better or worse, the focus of the conference will be on areas of law that are relevant to commercial law such as choice of law, dispute resolution, banking resolution and cross border securities. A comparative viewpoint will be taken to include perspectives from Scotland and England and other European legal systems. The objective is to invite fresh approaches to legal solutions as they have been manifested in European Union legislation that may benefit from rethinking in the light of the June 2016 referendum on the UK’s EU Membership. Registration is possible and requested via the conference website.
The Programme reads as follows:
Introductory Remarks: Prof. Andrew Dickinson, University of Oxford, tbc – “The future direction of private international law in the UK”
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Giesela Ruehl, University of Jena – “Choice of law and choice court clauses after the EU Referendum”
Prof. Sophia Tang, University of Newcastle – “Future Private International Law and Judicial Cooperation: Different Models”
Dr Maren Heidemann, Visiting Fellow, IALS – “Identities in EU PIL – an outdated social model?”
Dr Lorna Gillies, University of Strathclyde – “Some observations on intra-UK rules post-Brexit”
Prof. Gerard McCormack, University of Leeds – “Insolvency litigation after Brexit”
Dr Jonathan Fitchen, University of Aberdeen – “Post-Brexit recognition and enforcement of UK civil and commercial judgments in the European Union: problems and challenges”
Dr Mukarrum Ahmed, University of Aberdeen – “BREXIT and English Jurisdiction Agreements: The Post-Referendum Legal Landscape
Le 15 septembre 2016, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme confirme sa position sous l’angle de l’article 9 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion) en matière d’objection de conscience.
Un avocat portugais, auquel le droit de se défendre seul a été refusé par une juridiction interne, a introduit une requête devant la Cour de Strasbourg sur le fondement du droit à l’assistance d’un avocat. L’affaire vient d’être renvoyée devant la Grande Chambre.
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