La Commission européenne autorise deux mesures d’aide d’État en matière d’environnement et d’énergie destinées à promouvoir les sources renouvelables.
Situation sécuritaire en Irak : risques réels et fondés de mauvais traitements pouvant être infligés aux personnes ayant collaboré avec les forces américaines par Al Qaïda ou l’État Islamique au Levant.
The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce will turn 100 years in 2017. As part of the celebrations in January, a book about the history of arbitration will be published, where lawyers and diplomats from all over the world each write about one particular dispute.
One of the contributions is written by the winner of a large competition initiated by the SCC and aimed at young lawyers. The competition inspired many highly qualified contributions and several were so well-written that they will now be published in a separate edition of Transnational Dispute Management Journal (TDM).
The four texts deal with four different arbitrations that affected international relations: from a border dispute between the United States and Great Britain in what is now Canada, via an early ISDS case from the year 1900 over a Portuguese railway project and a relatively recent arbitration between Singapore and Malaysia, which was concluded at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2014.
You can read more about the publication, including the foreword by SCC Secretary-General Annette Magnusson, clicking here.
The University of Milan will host a very interesting seminar on 15 September 2016 (15h00) on “New Trends in EU Private International Law”. Here is the programme:
Welcome address: Prof. Laura Ammannati (Univ. of Milan);
Chair: Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Fausto Pocar (Univ. of Milan);
Final remarks: Prof. Stefania Bariatti (Univ. of Milan).
Further information and the (mandatory) registration form can be found here.
(Many thanks to Prof. Francesca Villata for the tip-off)
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