È da poco uscito il fascicolo invernale dell’annata 2015 di Int’l Lis – Corriere trimestrale della litigation internazionale, diretto da Claudio Consolo.
Il fascicolo contiene una nota di Annalisa Ciampi alla sentenza Taricco della Corte di giustizia (8 settembre 2015, causa C-105/14), dal titolo Il caso Taricco impone la disapplicazione delle garanzie della prescrizione: un problema di rapporti fra diritto dell’UE e diritto nazionale e di tutela dei diritti fondamentali, non solo di diritto processuale internazionale.
Viene poi proposto un commento di Marco De Cristofaro a Cassazione, sez. I, 4 giugno 2015, n. 11564, intitolato Il private enforcement antitrust ed il ruolo centrale della disciplina processuale, di nuovo conio legislativo o di nuova concezione giurisprudenziale.
La sezione Antologia ospita la seconda parte di uno scritto di Neil Andrews sulle più recenti innovazioni del contract law inglese.
Chiudono il fascicolo il caso del trimestre di Luca Penasa, relativo al caso Gazprom, deciso dalla Corte di giustizia (13 maggio 2015, causa C-536/13), e la recensione di Albert Henke della seconda edizione del libro di Richard Fentiman dedicato alla International Commercial Litigation.
Maggiori informazioni disponibili a questo indirizzo.
Faute de réponse précise dans la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme, la CEDH interprète l’interdiction du travail forcé à la lumière des conventions pertinentes de l’OIT (Organisation internationale du travail), des principes généraux du droit international, de l’esprit du texte et de son application par les États membres pour conclure que l’obligation de travailler imposée au requérant détenu et retraité ne viole pas l’article 4 de la Convention.
En carrousel matière: Oui Matières OASIS: Convention européenne des droits de l'HommeA great example of internal forum shopping and the application of forum non conveniens in the Court of Appeal. (Just before Christmas. I am still hacking away at my end-of-year queue).
Claimants claim damages for personal injuries they alleged they sustained in accidents in Scotland as a result of the negligence and/or breach of statutory duty of the defendants. The claims were issued in the Northampton County Court. The registered offices of the defendants are situated in England and Wales. Both claimants are domiciled in Scotland. Liability has been admitted in the case of Cook, but denied in the case of McNeil. Since the claims related to accidents in Scotland, the claims were allocated to Carlisle County Court, which is the court geographically closest to Scotland. The claims were struck out on forum non conveniens grounds, with Scotland being the appropriate forum.
The most important issue that arises on these appeals (and the reason why Tomlinson LJ gave permission for a second appeal) is whether the doctrine of forum non conveniens can apply in a purely domestic context where the competing jurisdictions are England and Scotland. Put simply, the question is: does the English court have the power in such a case to stay or strike out a claim on the ground that the natural and more appropriate forum is Scotland?
As Floyd MR notes (at 7) it is surprising that there was no authority on this point.
He correctly holds that the ‘international element’ required for the Brussels I regime to apply, as it did in Owusu and Maletic (but also Lindner) is absent in the case at issue. There is nothing in the facts which renders the case international in the Brussels I (Recast) sense. Relevant precedent which did have some calling was Kleinwort Benson, Case C-346/93, in which the CJEU refused to interpret the (then) Brussels Convention in a purely domestic UK situation, even if the internal UK rules were modelled on the Brussels regime.
Forum non conveniens could be applied. Though not under appeal, Floyd MR does suggest that in his view the claim in which liability was admitted (Cook), should not have been struck out but rather stayed under the relevant rules.
As announced earlier on this blog, on 25 and 26 February 2016 a conference will be held at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands) on the theme From common rules to best practices in European Civil Procedure, jointly organized by Erasmus School of Law and the Max Planck Institute in Luxembourg.
The conference brings together many distinguished academics, practitioners, EU and national legislators and policy makers, discussing in panels the need for common rules to facilitate judicial cooperation and mutual trust, procedural innovation and e-justice in the EU, alternative dispute resolution, and best practices on the operationalization of judicial cooperation in civil matters.
The updated program and more information is available here. Please register as soon as possible if you intend to come!
Edited by Professors Jürgen Basedow, John Birds, Malcolm A. Clarke, Herman Cousy, Helmut Heiss and Dr. Leander D. Loacker, the second expanded edition of “Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)” has just been released. The updated volume is based on no less than 15 years of cooperative research in the field of cross-border insurance law, which was initiated at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg) under the guidance of Director Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jürgen Basedow, LL.M. (Harvard), and involved legal scholars from 14 Member States of the European Union as well as Switzerland. In 2009, the Project Group “Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law” first published the Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL), which provided model rules for a common European insurance contract law in the form of an optional instrument.
While the first edition set out provisions regarding general insurance law, the new expanded volume also covers rules on liability insurance, life insurance and group insurance. In addition, the book contains translated versions of the PEICL rules in Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
For further information, please see the publisher’s website here.
La cour d’appel de Paris se prononce sur la compétence du juge français dans un litige opposant la société Facebook à l’un de ses utilisateurs et écarte la clause attributive de compétence figurant dans les conditions générales que tout utilisateur doit accepter en vue de créer un compte.
En carrousel matière: Oui Matières OASIS: Compétence internationale (Procédure civile) Clause abusiveÀ l’issue de la conférence de presse annuelle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme dressant le bilan de l’année 2015, le nouveau président, Guido Raimondi, a annoncé, pour la réalisation des objectifs poursuivis, une année satisfaisante dans son ensemble.
En carrousel matière: Oui Matières OASIS: NéantDans le cadre de sa lutte contre la criminalité liée aux jeux, le gouvernement italien peut obliger les concessionnaires de jeux à céder leurs concessions à titre gratuit, pour les cas de sanctions telle la déchéance ou la révocation. Une telle obligation est disproportionnée si elle résulte uniquement de l’expiration de la période de concession.
En carrousel matière: Non Matières OASIS: Néant
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