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[Now Available] Yearbook of Private International Law Vol. XXV – 2023/2024

Conflictoflaws - sam, 12/14/2024 - 04:29

The latest volume of the Yearbook of Private International Law has been recently published, marking the 25th anniversary of its significant contribution to outstanding legal scholarship in the field of comparative private international law.

Readers will undoubtedly appreciate the Editors’ Foreword as well as the insightful tributes dedicated to this milestone edition written by Professors Nadjma Yassari (A Quarter-Century of Excellence), Symeon C. Symeonides (A Tribute), and Ivana Kunda (Petar Šarcevic – The Intellectual Behind the Name). These contributions, which reflect on the Yearbook’s impact and achievements over the years, are freely available online, offering a fitting celebration of this remarkable anniversary.


The Yearbook’s latest volume features the following table of contents:



New Perspectives for the CIEC/ICCS and its Work

Hans Van Loon


Recent Developments of Japanese Laws on ADR – A Perspective of International Civil Procedure Law

Yasuhiro Okuda


From Past to Future – The Emergence and Development of Advance Choices

Adrian D. Ward


Child Marriages

Swedish Rules on Non-recognition of Foreign Child Marriages

Michael Bogdan


Early Marriage in Belgian Case Law – The Ever-Lasting Virtue of the Functional Approach of the Public Policy Exception

Marc Fallon and Stéphanie Francq


Early Marriages in German Law

Nadjma Yassari


Family Status, Identities and Private International Law

A Critical Assessment in the Light of Fundamental Rights

Elena C. Bargelli and Ilaria Pretelli


Reasonable Expectations of Unmarried Cohabitants

Guillaume Kessler


Recognition of Family Status and Same-Sex Partners – A Chinese Perspective

Yin Liu


Free Movement of Same-sex Spouses in the EU

Maria Caterina Baruffi


Lessons Drawn from the Commission’s Parenthood Proposal for Further EU Initiative on Personal Identity and Status Continuity

Johan Meeusen


The Recognition of Names Between EU Law and Human Rights Law – Recent Developments

Giulia Rossolillo


The ICCS’s Contribution to the Portability of Names

Nicolas Nord


Identity and Civil Status of Children Conceived through Cross-Border Procreation Contracts – Perspectives on Filiation and the Best Interests of the Child

Ilaria Pretelli


Digital Assets and Online Accounts

Digital Assets in English Private International Law

Uglješa Crusic


Online Accounts – Comparative and Private International Law Aspects

Nataliia Filatova-Bilous and Tetiana Tsuvina


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Comparative Perspective

The Application of the European Succession Regulation by the Courts of the Member States

Andrea Bonomi


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Austria

Matthäus Uitz


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Bulgaria

Stilyana Stavreva


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Croatia

Martina Drventic Barisin


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Cyprus

Konstantinos Rokas


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in the Czech Republic

Magdalena Pfeiffer


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Germany

Jan Peter Schmidt and Leandra C.C. Koiike


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Greece

Konstantinos A. Rokas


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Hungary

Laura De Negri


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Italy

Giuseppe Mansour Agrelli


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Poland

Krzysztof Pacula


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Portugal

Afonso Patrão


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Slovakia

Elena Judova


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Slovenia

Neža Pogorelcnik Vogrinc and Filip Dougran


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Spain

María Gonzalez Marimon


Decisions on the European Succession Regulation in Sweden

Laima Vaige


National Reports

Surrogacy in Türkiye

Ceyda Sural Efecinar and Ba?ak Basoglu


Questions of Applicable Law as Regards Unpaid Wages of Turkish Employees under the Foreign Employment Contracts

Gülüm Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik and Rifat Erten


Execution Measures Related to EU Procedural Regulations and Brussels IIbis in Bulgaria

Boriana Musseva and Nadia Rusinova



The Personal Relativity of Public Policy on Transnational Surrogacy in Switzerland – A Proposal

Lorène Anthonioz


Turkish Private International Law of Succession Revisited in the Light of the European Succession Regulation and Recent Developments in Swiss Law

Biset Sena Gunes

Limbu v Dyson. Court of Appeal resoundly overturns finding of forum non conveniens in global value chain business and human rights claim, yet with one or two stingers (read: forum shopping possibilities) for future reference.

GAVC - ven, 12/13/2024 - 19:22

I reviewed and criticised the successful first instance forum non conveniens challenge by Dyson viz a claim allegations of forced labour at Dyson’s Malaysian Supplier, here.

That finding was today resoundly overturned by the Court of Appeal in Dhan Kumar Limbu & others v Dyson Technology Limited and others [2024] EWCA Civ 1564.

The issues at stake were expertly discussed this week in an online EAPIL seminar called by prof Ugljesa Grusic at the occasion of Dr Ekaterina Aristova’s excellent OUP volume Tort Litigation Against Transnational Corporations.

The first instance judge concluded that Malaysia was the more appropriate forum for the claims to be heard and that there was no real risk of the claimants being unable to access justice there.

[4] Popplewell LJ confirms standing authority that the Court of Appeal only interferes in such exercise, necessarily fact and view driven as it is, and absent some procedural unfairness or irregularity, where the lower court has made an error of principle, such as taking into account irrelevant matters or failing to take into account relevant matters, or has reached a conclusion which exceeds the generous ambit within which reasonable disagreement is possible and so is plainly wrong.

[22] Summarises what is needed: for a ‘service in’ case (here: against those defendants with domicile in the jurisdiction), the burden is on the defendant to show that there is another available forum which is clearly and distinctly more appropriate. The burden reflects the fact that in such a case the claimant has served the defendant as of right which is an advantage which will not lightly be disturbed (reference to Spiliada). In a service out case (here against the non-E&W domiciled defendants), the burden is on the claimant to show that England is clearly the appropriate forum. In both cases appropriate forum means that in which the case may be tried more suitably for the interests of all the parties and the ends of justice (reference ia to Lungowe v Vedanta [66]).

The various factors going into this exercise are listed [22-23]

In determining the appropriateness of the forum, the court looks at connecting factors to determine with which forum the action has the most real and substantial connection (Spiliada at p. 478A). These include not only factors affecting convenience or expense, but also other factors such as governing law, the place where the parties reside or carry on business, and where the wrongful acts and harm occurred (Spiliada p. 478A-B, Vedanta at [66]). The risk of multiplicity of proceedings giving rise to a risk of inconsistent judgments is only one factor, although a very important one (Vedanta at [69]). In applying these connecting factors to cases involving multiple defendants, their relative status and importance in the case should be taken into account, such that greater weight is given to the claims against those who may be described as a principal or major party or chief protagonist: JSC BTA Bank v Granton Trade Limited [2010] EWHC 2577 (Comm) per Christopher Clarke J at [28].

23. For both service in and service out cases, if the court concludes that the foreign court is more appropriate by reference to connecting factors, applying the relevant burden of proof, the court will nevertheless retain jurisdiction if the claimant can show by cogent evidence that there is a real risk that it will not be able to obtain substantial justice in the appropriate foreign jurisdiction (Vedanta at [88]). Cogent evidence does not mean unchallenged evidence (Vedanta at [96]). This is often conveniently treated as a second stage in the analysis because it usually calls for an assessment of different evidence, but it does not involve a different question: if there is a real risk of denial of justice in a particular forum it is unlikely to be an appropriate one in which the case can most suitably be tried in the interests of the parties and for the ends of justice: Vedanta at [88]. In this case the parties and the Judge adopted that two-stage approach, labelling the first stage as “appropriate forum” and the second stage as “access to justice”. I will adopt the same structure, whilst keeping in mind that second stage factors may also be relevant to the first stage in what is juridically a single holistic exercise in seeking to identify where the case can most suitably be tried in the interests of the parties and for the ends of justice.

Grounds of appeal are listed [30]. I will not rehash all of the grounds or their discussion (the judgment is succinct yet all of the paras count really), rather highlight the IMO most relevant ones:

[34]: the Judge failed to take any account of the important connecting feature that D1 and D2 are domiciled in England and have been served here as of right. The domicile of the parties was not one of the Judge’s headings and did not feature in his conclusory paragraphs.

This is an important confirmation of the principle as it also exists in EU law: suing a defendant in their domicile as of right, must be given its proper weight in a forum non balancing exercise, and note Popplewell LJ’s reference to EU law:

[34] The reason it is an important connecting factor in relation to jurisdiction is because presence here is the basis for establishing the court’s jurisdiction, and domicile here connotes a degree of permanence and allegiance to the country’s institutions, including its courts, which means that the party can reasonably expect, and be expected, to meet claims against it in such courts in the absence of sufficient countervailing factors. That is why within the EU domicile remains the foundational factor for allocating jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters, subject to derogations.

[36] the argument that the weight placed on the UK domiciled defendants, be neutralised by the non-UK domicile of the other defendants, fails, ! however with in my view important instruction for future challenges: Lord Justice Popplewell holds that “the reality is that Dyson UK is the principal protagonist and Dyson Malaysia a more minor and ancillary defendant to the claim against D1 and D2.”

That evidently may be a factor to take into account where the UK anchor defendant is not the main protagonist.

[38] Viz the ‘centre of gravity’ of the claim (not a separate part of the test, rather a clerical trick as it were to rank arguments), this is held to be

an allegation of a failure occurring amongst the management in England and is alleged primarily to have occurred in England, although it will also focus to some extent on conduct in Malaysia. The complaints made by Mr Hall were made to Dyson UK and the alleged failure to take steps to act on them is primarily a failure of English personnel in England. The unjust enrichment of D1 and D2 ultimately took effect in England at their centre of trading, and the proprietary remedies claimed are of property rights over profits and products located in this country.

This latter element is also a response to TWAIL arguments which I flag here in my review of Dr Aristova’s jurisdictional analysis (she discusses them extensively in her volume).

[42] ff an error of principle was also found in the judge’s finding that there was a real risk of irreconcilable findings in relation to pending [GAVC now discontinued; note [43] the flag that discontinuation may have been motivated by strategic considerations in current appeal] defamation proceedings even if the current proceedings proceed in England on the basis that it was most unlikely that the High Court would case manage the proceedings to avoid or reduce the risk of such a possibility. Plainly, there would have been a plain likelihood of the English courts so coordinating.

[47] The fact that litigation will be coordinated and conducted from one of the two rival fora, irrespective of the forum in which the litigation takes place, is held to be a significant connecting factor with that forum. Note of course that this may give unscrupulous defendants forum management possibilities.

[49] ff the judge’s acceptance of and reliance on material support offered by defendants for the trial in the alternative forum, is frankly demolished, starting with the observation

I start with the Undertakings. In the experience of the court they are unprecedented, and the researches of counsel have not identified anything similar (we were referred to Société Nationale Industrielle Aerospatiale v Lee Kui JAK [1987] AC 871, an anti-suit injunction case, in which the undertakings were not remotely comparable). As a mechanism for ensuring that the impoverished claimants are thereby enabled to meet disbursements necessary to conduct the claims in Malaysia, they seem to me to suffer from six serious flaws….

for these six flaws the reader of this post best read the judgment, starting with the observation of an obvious conflict of interest.

[59-60] considerable emphasis on equality of arms both in legal representation (note the reference to Tesla rather than the ordinarily intuitive ‘Rolls Royce’ comparison) and in terms of witnesses’ online translation needs.

Having found the judge’s approach suffering from serious issues of principle, the Court of Appeal then makes it own brief assessment [63] ff. Funding, domicile of the parties, practical convenience are all found to be in favour of E&W. Applicable law leads to Malaysian law (presumably because parties agree), with the Court holding that is nevertheless not particularly onerous for the English courts to apply.

Overall, a resounding victory for claimants with however as I point out above, one or two risk factors carefully to manage for future reference: if arguably not of such nature as to displace the reconfirmed solid right to claim in the defendant’s place of domicile.


EU private international law, 4th ed. 2024, Chapter 7.

5th German Conference for Young Researchers in Private International Law, 14 and 15 Feb 2025, University of Heildeberg

Conflictoflaws - ven, 12/13/2024 - 10:38


On 14 and 15 February 2025, the 5th iteration of the German Conference for Young Researchers in Private International Law will take place at the University of Heidelberg. The conference – which is being organized by Felix Berner, Andreas Engel, Aron Johanson, Markus Lieberknecht, Sophia Schwemmer, Ann-Kathrin Voß, Charlotte Wendland, and Anton Zimmermann –  is dedicated to the topic of ‘Digital transformation and Private International Law. Local connections in boundless spaces’:

After statute theory, Savignyan PIL and Europeanisation, digitalisation has the potential to initiate a fourth evolutionary stage in the history of conflict of laws, which is characterised by decentralisation and delocalisation. We may therefore be on the threshold of a PIL 4.0. At our conference, we would like to discuss how the conflict-of-laws problems arising from the boundless spaces of digitalisation can be solved in European and autonomous German, Austrian and Swiss private international law. At the same time, we would like to look at the possibilities for legal changes at national, European and international level.

A keynote will be given by Christiane Wendehorst (University of Vienna).

The programme can be found here; registration is possible here.

More information can also be found on the conference website.

ICC Institute of World Business Law Prize 2025: Open for Submissions until 7 April 2025

Conflictoflaws - ven, 12/13/2024 - 10:25

Every two years, the ICC Institute of World Business Law awards a prize worth € 10,000 to the best doctoral dissertation or long essay on on international commercial law (including arbitration) written by an author under the age of 40 in English or French.

Submissions can be made until 7 April 2025.

More information can be found in the flyer and in the prize rules.

Norwegian Supreme Court Prioritizes National Law for Restitution Compensation in the Fight Against Child Marriages

EAPIL blog - ven, 12/13/2024 - 08:00
Under Norwegian criminal law, entering into or assisting with a child marriage or a marriage-like relation is prohibited. A judgment of the Norwegian Supreme Court (HR-2024-2161-A of 25 October 2024) a man and his parents, all residing in Norway, were found guilty of this crime after the man had entered a marriage-like relation with a […]

198/2024 : 12 décembre 2024 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-419/23

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/12/2024 - 10:52
Nemzeti Földügyi Központ
Libre circulation des capitaux
Droits d’usufruit sur des terres agricoles en Hongrie : le droit de l’Union ne s’oppose pas à la réinscription de tels droits conformément à un arrêt de la Cour de justice, même si leur inscription initiale était illégale

Catégories: Flux européens

197/2024 : 12 décembre 2024 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-118/23

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - jeu, 12/12/2024 - 09:41
Getin Holding
Liberté d'établissement
La Cour de justice précise les règles concernant l’indépendance d’une autorité de résolution nationale et les recours contre ses décisions à l’égard d’établissements financiers défaillants

Catégories: Flux européens

IPRax: Issue 6 of 2024

EAPIL blog - jeu, 12/12/2024 - 08:00
The latest issue of the IPRax (Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts) has been published. The following abstracts have been kindly provided by the editor of the journal. S. Deuring, Gender and International Private Law – Comments on the New Article 7a of the German Introductory Act to the Civil Code Although the attribution of […]

PostScriptum: Barrick Gold in the Canadian Court, the Jurisdictional Veil and What Lies Ahead

EAPIL blog - mer, 12/11/2024 - 14:00
This post has been written by Ekaterina Aristova, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. It is the sixth and final post in the EAPIL blog on-line symposium on Ekaterina Aristova, Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts (OUP 2024). The […]

Who is Benefiting from the ‘Neutrality’ of Private International Law?

EAPIL blog - mer, 12/11/2024 - 08:00
This post has been written by Dalia Palombo, Assistant Professor of Human Rights Law, Department of Public Law and Governance, Tilburg University. It is the fifth post in the EAPIL blog on-line symposium on Ekaterina Aristova, Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts (OUP 2024). The others contributions, by Ekaterina Aristova, […]

A Different Forum (Non) Conveniens Test for Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations?

EAPIL blog - mar, 12/10/2024 - 14:00
This post has been written by Mukarrum Ahmed, Lecturer in Business Law, Lancaster University. It is the fourth post in the EAPIL blog on-line symposium on Ekaterina AristovaTort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts (OUP 2024). The others contributions, by Ekaterina Aristova, Peter Muchlinski and Geert Van Calster, can be […]

Jurisdiction of English Courts in Foreign Direct Liability Claims

EAPIL blog - mar, 12/10/2024 - 08:00
This post has been written by Geert Van Calster, Professor of Private International Law, KU Leuven and member of the Belgian Bar. It is the third post in the EAPIL blog online symposium on Ekaterina Aristova, Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts (OUP 2024). The others contributions, by Ekaterina Aristova […]

Call for papers: Australasian Association of Private International Law inaugural conference, Brisbane, Australia, 16-17 April 2025

Conflictoflaws - mar, 12/10/2024 - 06:05

The inaugural conference of the Australasian Association of Private International Law will be held from Wednesday 16 to Thursday 17 April at the Ship Inn conference centre, Southbank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, sponsored by Griffith Law School.

We are pleased to invite the submission of paper proposals for the conference, on any aspect of private international law, broadly understood.  This includes issues of jurisdiction, choice of law, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments (including how they relate to cross-border issues within a federation), and all areas of private law that raise cross-border and transnational issues.

Paper proposals should be made on this form by Wednesday 29 January 2025. We also welcome panel proposals; please email if you have a proposal for a panel. Proposed presenters on any panel will be required to submit paper proposals.

We welcome anyone interested in private international law, including from the judiciary, legal practice, government, and the academy, from any jurisdiction.  Attendees, including presenters, will be required to pay a registration fee. A conference dinner will be held on the evening of Wednesday 16 April, at an additional cost.

Tort Litigation Against Transnational Corporations in the Business and Human Rights Framework

EAPIL blog - lun, 12/09/2024 - 14:00
This post has been written by Peter Muchlinski, Emeritus Professor of International Commercial Law, The School of Law, Gender and Media, SOAS, University of London. It is the second post in the EAPIL online symposium on Ekaterina Aristova, Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts (OUP 2024). Dr Ekaterina Aristova’s […]

Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations and the Challenge of Jurisdiction: An Introduction

EAPIL blog - lun, 12/09/2024 - 08:00
This post has been written by Ekaterina Aristova, Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. It is the first post in the EAPIL Blog Symposium on Ekaterina Aristova, Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts (OUP 2024). I am delighted that […]

Report on the launch event of the Australasian Association of Private International Law

Conflictoflaws - lun, 12/09/2024 - 05:37

On Thursday 5 December 2024, a group of private international lawyers gathered in Melbourne and online for the launch of the Australasian Association of Private International Law (AAPrIL).

AAPrIL was founded in 2024 by lawyers and academics in Australia and New Zealand who are engaged in private international law. AAPrIL’s aim is to bring together people committed to furthering understanding of private international law in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region.

The launch was held at the offices of Corrs Chambers Westgarth in Melbourne. After networking and drinks, the formalities were opened by Cara North, Corrs Special Counsel and AAPrIL Treasurer, who would be known to many following the blog for her work on the HCCH Judgments Project. Cara introduced Jack Wass, New Zealand barrister and AAPRIL’s New Zealand Vice-President, who is co-author of The Conflict of Laws in New Zealand and who was Master of Ceremonies.

The event featured addresses from two of the most influential lawyers in private international law issues from either side of the Tasman Sea.

The Honourable Dr Andrew Bell, Chief Justice of New South Wales, gave a comprehensive pre-recorded address, speaking to the importance of the discipline and the growing number of judgments dealing with cross-border issues in Australia. His Honour has been deeply engaged in private international law for decades; he his author of Forum Shopping and Venue in Transnational Litigation and a co-author of Nygh’s Conflict of Laws in Australia, and acted as counsel in many of Australia’s most significant private international law cases until his appointment to the New South Wales Supreme Court.  Chief Justice Bell is the inaugural Patron of AAPrIL.

The Honourable David Goddard, Judge of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand, then delivered a live online address that also spoke to the importance of the discipline. His Honour advocated for the continued modernisation of domestic laws to harmonise approaches to private international law problems between legal systems, encouraging governments to adopt instruments of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH).  Justice Goddard is perfectly placed to speak to the subject: he was the Chair of the Diplomatic Session of the HCCH that adopted the 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention, Vice-President of the Diplomatic Session that adopted the 2005 Choice of Court Convention, and a member of the drafting committee for that Convention.

A highlight of the launch was the speech of Professor Mary Keyes of Griffith University in Brisbane, who is Inaugural President of AAPrIL. She has kindly shared the text of her remarks:

Speech by Professor Mary Keyes, AAPrIL President, at the Launch of the Association

Good evening, distinguished guests, friends and colleagues here with us tonight, as well as those joining us online.  I acknowledge the traditional custodians of these beautiful lands, to pay my respects to elders, past and present, and to first nations friends and colleagues.

On behalf of the Australasian Association of Private International Law, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to this important occasion at which we will formally launch the association. On behalf of the executive and the membership, thanks to Corrs Chambers Westgarth for generously hosting us this evening. Particular thanks are due to the wonderful Cara North, who is also the inaugural treasurer of our association, for making the arrangements for this evening, and to the team at Corrs.

I also acknowledge the other members of the AAPrIL executive, all of whom I am delighted to say are here in person. Our New Zealand Vice President, Jack Wass, from Wellington, has already introduced himself to you. I would also like to introduce our Australian Vice President, Dr Michael Douglas, from Western Australia, our secretary, Professor Reid Mortensen, my fellow Queenslander, and Associate Professor Maria Hook, from New Zealand and Professor Richard Garnett, a local from Melbourne, who also serve on our executive. They have each devoted a considerable amount of their time, energy and expertise to the association and I am deeply grateful to each of them.

I would like especially to thank Reid, for his initiative and drive which were instrumental in establishing AAPrIL in July this year. This is truly indicative of his dedication to the advancement of private international law in Australia and the region.

The members of the executive came together to discuss forming the association this year because of our mutual love of private international law. We also shared a conviction that there was a need, in this region, for an organisation with its sole focus on the advancement of our field.

Private international law only grows in importance with every passing year. It is interesting to reflect on the incredible changes over the last 40 years which have transformed this field in New Zealand and Australia.  That transformation is evident in the significant increase in the number of cases coming before our courts and the range of issues which arise in those cases. Long gone are the days when lawyers, courts and academics were obliged to rely heavily and sometimes exclusively on foreign authorities because of a lack of local cases, legislation and commentaries addressing particular issues in cross-border litigation.

Those of you who have already read our constitution – which is available on our website – will know that the objectives of the association include:

  1. The promotion of knowledge of and interest in private international law within the region
  2. The provision of a forum for sharing information and views about private international law
  3. The promotion and support of lectures, seminars, colloquia and conferences in our field, and
  4. Contributing to the development of private international law.

Australasia has a proud tradition of contributing to the development of private international law both practically and academically. The membership of our association includes many of the current leaders in private international law from our region, from the judiciary, the profession, and the academy.

I am very pleased to report that the association currently has more than 70 members from New Zealand, Australia, and much further afield, including from Greece, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. This is a clear indication of the breadth of interest in private international law in this region. I encourage you, if you have not already done so, to consider joining the association. There are at least three excellent reasons to do so. First, be honest, can you really say that you are involved in many other organisations with members drawn from such a diverse range of countries? Second, if that isn’t a sufficient inducement, then until July 2025, membership in the association is free. Third, what could be more fun than getting together with such an enthusiastic and fun group of private international law nerds?

Shortly, you will hear from two of our most eminent members, our patron, Chief Justice Andrew Bell of the New South Wales Supreme Court, and Justice David Goddard of the New Zealand Court of Appeal. Neither of them is able to join in person this evening but if there is one thing we have learned from the unfortunate experience of Covid 19, it is that technology is a great enabler of getting together even when circumstances prevent our doing so in person. The use of technology is critical for an organisation that has such a broad geographical reach.

Having said that, this launch is our first at least partly in person event. It is wonderful to see friends and colleagues here tonight and we look forward to many more such occasions. Since the association was established in July, we have held two online seminars, and we are working on our seminar program for 2025. We have also begun planning for our inaugural conference, which we hope will be an annual event. The call for papers will be made shortly. Our conference will be held in Brisbane in April 2025. We very much hope that we will see some of you there.

The executive is always keen to hear from current and potential members generally and specifically in terms of suggestions for events and activities. Please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to seeing you at our events and working with you as members of our association.

In addition to our other activities, our New Zealand Vice President has secured funding to support the development of an online Trans-Tasman Civil Proceedings Handbook, which will be available online and open access, through our website.

In conclusion, on behalf of the executive, thank you for your interest in and support of the association, and for your attendance this evening.

Private International Law and Sustainability Development in Asia at Wuhan University – Report

Conflictoflaws - lun, 12/09/2024 - 01:00

By Zixuan Yang, a PhD student at Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Germany.

The Conference on Private International Law and Sustainability Development in Asia was successfully held at Wuhan University School of Law on 23rd November 2024. This international symposium was organized by Wuhan University Academy of International Law and Global Governance, Wuhan University School of Law and China Society of Private International Law. Following a Call for Papers of the Chinese Journal of Transnational Law (CJTL), the symposium provided an ideal platform for participants to critically and constructively engage with the functions, methodologies and techniques of private international law in relation to sustainable development from the Asian perspective. Distinguished legal experts and scholars from Japan, India, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Taiwan, Mainland China, Germany and the Netherlands delivered presentations and participated in discussions on-site and online.

After Professor Zheng Tang opened the conference, vice President of the China Law Society, President of the China Society of International Law and President of the China Society of Private International Law, offered a welcome. This was followed by a joint keynote speech from Professor Ralf Michaels (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg), Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm (University of Edinburgh), and Hans van Loon (former Secretary-General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law) on Private International Law and SDGs 2030. Together with Zheng Tang, they will serve as special editors of an issue in CJTL that brings the papers together.

The Conference itself was divided into five panels.

The first panel on Family/Equality was chaired by Ralf Michaels. Prof. Rong-Chwan Chen (National Taipei University) elaborated on Taiwan’s Path toward gender equality in private international law in the light of the recognizability of three judgements involving same sex marriage in Taiwan, including the role of ordre public, renvoi and local household registration. Stellina Jolly and Prakriti Malla (South Asian University) raised several key questions regarding the incorporation of gender considerations into the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction in view of international child abduction jurisprudence in India and Nepal.

The second panel on Migration was chaired by Hans van Loon. In light of the phenomena of intra-regional temporary migration in Asia, Prof. Yuko Nishitani (Kyoto University) addressed different methods of recognition to guarantee the continuity, stability and certainty of migrants’ name and family status.  Zixuan Yang (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law) clarified the conceptual contexts of legal identity in Asian jurisdictions and discussed specific issues of  cross-border recognition of personal status in the Greater Bay Area.

Professor Ignacio de la Rasilla (Wuhan University) chaired the third panel on the Role of the State. Dr Ke Mu (Ocean University of China) analyzed the role of state-owned enterprise in international commercial and investment activities and raised the question whether the commitment to sustainability could be equivalent to the sovereign function. Mr Zihao Fan (Peking University) explored the roles of cities in transnational access to justice and the sustainable value through the systematic design of mainland China’s foreign-related jurisdictional regime as well as its special jurisdictional rules on cities’ level. Finally, Mr Jiabao Zhou (University of Amsterdam) suggested a potential role of private international law in the implementation of China’s foreign policy under China’s Foreign Relations Law, which arguably involves sustainable development as an essential value.

The fourth panel, chaired by Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, focused on Environment/Climate Change. Profs. Adeline Chong and Stefanie Schacherer (Singapore Management University) gave a comprehensive and systematic analyses of the private international law issues in the regional legal framework for governance of the cross-border haze pollution in Southeast Asia. Profs. Nguy?n Th? H?ng Trinh (Hue University) and Bùi Th? Qu?nh Trang (Thuongmai University) explored the current situation and future prospects of climate change litigation from the perspective of Vietnamese law. Prof. Anselmo Reyes (International Judge at the Singapore International Commercial Court) gave a report entitled The Impartial Judge, Climate Change and the Conflict of Laws, with a focus on the question of how judges could get prepared in the face of increasing climate change litigations.

The last panel on The International Framework was chaired by Zheng Tang (Wuhan University). Dr Gérardine Goh Escolar (HCCH), in a prerecorded presentation, highlighted the efforts of the Hague Conference on Private International Law to provide legal certainty for stakeholders in the digital global economy and the global circular economy, and stressed the need to establish a sound procedural and substantive legal framework and international cooperation. Dr Ning Zhao (HCCH) emphasised the importance of Hague Conventions in simplifying administrative procedures and stressed the role of information technology in improving efficiency and reducing formalities in the cross-border transactions; her presentation was also prerecorded. Finally (and in person), (Wuhan University) gave a report entitled Regulating Global Anti-Competitive Conduct and the Role of Private International Law: Lessons from China. He pointed out the practical challenges of private enforcement of competition law in China and argued for enhanced efforts in both institution and capacity building.

Zheng Tang brought the event to a successful conclusion. As the Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Transnational Law, she expressed her hope for more cooperation and exchanges between the journal and the conference participants in the future. The conference was followed by a lovely tour of the beautiful campus at Wuhan University.

(Photo by Wentao XU)





Introduction to the Online Symposium on E. Aristova’s ‘Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations’

EAPIL blog - dim, 12/08/2024 - 19:45
On 25 April 2024, Oxford University Press published an important book in its Private International Law series: Ekaterina Aristova, Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in English Courts (OUP 2024). The blurb reads: There is an emerging trend of private claims being brought against parent companies of transnational corporations for their alleged […]

Nanox Imaging PLC v David Schick. A reminder of Gibraltar’s continued use of Brussels Ia (and anti-suit granted despite that Regulation).

GAVC - dim, 12/08/2024 - 15:33

In Nanox Imaging PLC v David Schick 2024/GSC/043, Happold J at the Gibraltar Supreme Court dealt with applications for anti-suit, forum non conveniens and case management stays.

Claimant ‘Nanox Gibraltar’ is a Gibraltar registered company which until September 2019 carried on business in the field of medical imaging technology. Defendant is an electrical engineer and a US national resident in California. A Consultancy Agreement between them contains two jurisdiction clauses. The first, Clause 6.5 provides that:

“Both parties agree that any action, demand, claim or counterclaim  relating to this Agreement, or to its breach, shall be commenced in the state of Gibraltar in a court of competent jurisdiction. This Agreement and the validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Gibraltar without giving effect to conflict of law principles” The second, in Clause 8 of Appendix B, is in different terms. It provides that: “This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Gibraltar without giving effect to the rules respecting conflict of law, and the competent courts of Gibraltar shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute between the parties.” Parties disagree as to the relevance of Clause 8 for the interpretation of Clause 6.  On 28 October 2021, Mr Schick brought proceedings before the US District Court for the Central District of California against current claimant, and Nano XImaging Inc. (‘Nanox Israel’), as well as Mr Ran Poliakine (the main beneficiary of the Nano Imaging vehicles) and eleven other defendants. Nanox Israel is a company registered in Israel to whom Nanox Gibraltar sold its assets in 2019, including its intellectual property rights. In July 2020, Nanox Israel IPOed on Nasdaq. Mr Shick argues he is entitled to outstanding fees for consultancy

services under the Consultancy Agreement as well as to a One Time Bonus. The Californian proceedings were dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction. Israeli proceedings are still ongoing with there, too, contestation of jurisdiction. In order to hold in the fate of the Gibraltar proceedings, the first question is whether Clause 6.5 is an exclusive jurisdiction clause. Defendant argues Clause 6.5 is permissive, not mandatory, because it does not expressly refer to “irrevocable” submission to the Gibraltar courts, to those courts having “sole” or “exclusive” jurisdiction, or expressly prohibits proceedings being brought elsewhere; and because the term “shall” is not the language of obligation (that argument summarily dismissed if only on its ordinary meaning; as it should). In addition, Defendant says that Clause 8 of Appendix B is irrelevant to the interpretation of Clause 6. Happold J [15] disagrees and in my opinion he is right. I do think his succinct discussion [17] of Brussels Ia (! which continues to apply by virtue of the European Union Gibraltar Act 2019) could have come before his discussion of the language of the choice of court clause outside the Brussels Ia context. Per A25 BIa, all choice of court clauses are exclusive lest agreed otherwise. Therefore the engagement with the wording of the clause should not focus on whether there is language that indicates its exclusivity; rather, whether there is clear language that suggests it is not exclusive. A further most relevant point of discussion [19] ff is then whether despite Brussels Ia, a forum non conveniens stay might be possible in Gibraltar, despite s33 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1993. s33. This reads in relevant part Nothing in this Act shall prevent any court in Gibraltar from staying, striking out or dismissing any proceedings before it on the ground of forum non conveniens or otherwise, where to do so is not inconsistent with the 1968 Convention or, as the case may be, the Lugano Convention or the 2005 Hague Convention. The suggestion is that with Brussels Ia not mentioned in that list, it does not stand in the way of a forum non stay. Happold J justifiably as a matter of both statutory construction and the nature of BI and BIa as a directly applicable Regulation, holds [22] that a forum non stay is not possible, neither [23] is a case management stay see ‘otherwise’ in s33, above. In the discussion of anti-suit one would have expected discussion of CJEU Turner (less so: Starlight Shipping (The Alexandros T for that judgment was issued post Brexit). Instead, anti-suit is granted on common law principles despite Brussels Ia still applying. Am I missing something here?: does Gibraltar’s continued use of Brussels Ia exclude any and all CJEU case-law? An interesting case! Geert.

Italian Swap claims – Continued. Dexia v Patrimonio del Trentino: finding of exclusive jurisdiction in ISDA Master Agreement, rejection of ultra vires arguments and an unlikely prima facie resurrection of pre-EU membership bilateral conventions.

GAVC - sam, 12/07/2024 - 19:28

Dexia v Patrimonio del Trentino [2024] EWHC 2717 (KB) echoes Banca Intesa v Venezia  in some of its main issues. It features capacity of foreign corporations to enter into legal transaction, relevance of lex incorporationis, validity of choice of court clause, and the impact of Brexit, with the judge prima facie accepting resurrection of the 1964 bilateral UK-Italy convention. 

Dexia submits that ongoing Italian Proceedings were brought in breach of the English jurisdiction clause in the ISDA Master Agreement between Dexia and Trentino (itself governed by English law), and which Dexia also submits is, on its true construction, an exclusive English jurisdiction clause. There is an extant challenge by Dexia to the jurisdiction of the Italian court in the Italian Proceedings which is due to be heard in January 2025.

By its claim in the English Proceedings, Dexia is seeking declaratory relief in respect of an interest rate swap transaction (the “Transaction”) pursuant to an ISDA Master Agreement dated 7 October 2010 between Dexia and Trentino.

Trentino argue the jurisdiction clause is not valid. It originally sought to do so on two grounds (each relying on Italian law arguments): (1) It argued that the Jurisdiction Clause is void due to an alleged lack of capacity on the part of Trentino to enter into speculative derivatives (the “Speculation Ground”); and 2) It argued that Article 4 of Law No. 218/1995 (Law 218), which applies following the Brexit transition period, prohibits agreements involving so-called “non-disposable rights” from ousting the jurisdiction of the Italian courts (the “Non-Disposable Rights Ground”).

The second ground was abandoned. That leaves the Speculation Ground. As a matter of English (and indeed many a) law, the capacity of a foreign corporation to enter into any legal transaction is governed by the law of the country of incorporation of the entity in question (in this case, Italian law).

[61] The judge holds Any lack of capacity to enter into a particular derivative transaction cannot, and does not, equate to a lack of capacity to enter into an ISDA Master Agreement (see also Vestia). The Master Agreement is not itself a derivative contract and any alleged prohibition in relation to derivatives would not apply to the Master Agreement.

[64] In an attempt to circumvent the difficulty that Trentino did have capacity to enter into the Master Agreement and that the Master Agreement (containing the Jurisdiction Clause) is valid, Trentino then submits that the “single agreement” provision in Clause 1(c) of the Master Agreement means the Master Agreement is not a separate and distinct agreement. [65] This is held clearly to be a bad point, not least in circumstances where the Master Agreement came into place separate from, and long before, any particular transactions. Bryan J agrees on this point with the sentiments expressed by Foxton J in Banca Intesa.

[72] ff the judge obiter discusses the speculation argument. [74] ff he holds the Italian rules on speculative derivatives do not apply to Trentino, both because it is a joint-stock company and because the Province is a Region, which has a greater level of autonomy in such matters than local authorities.

[87] ff it remains open to Trentino to make its Stay Application and submit that the English Proceedings should be stayed on the basis that Italy is the appropriate forum and/or that the Italian proceedings constitute a lis alibi pendens if, but only if, Trentino is right that the Jurisdiction Clause is not an exclusive English jurisdiction clause. Then follows a very lengthy discussion on the meaning of the clause in light of the Brussels (and Lugano) regime ([124] seeing as the clause dates from before Brexit) with the judge concluding the clause is exclusive.

They stay application is discussed obiter [135] ff. [152] Trentino submits that there are two factors which were unforeseeable at the time of concluding the Transaction, firstly the likelihood of parallel proceedings (given that that was impossible under the Brussels I Regulation save in respect of Article 31 protective proceedings), and secondly the risk that an English judgment that would be readily enforceable under the Brussels I Regulation might now be unenforceable in Italy.

Re the first argument, [153] the fact that the Brussels I Regulation lis pendens rules no longer apply to prevent the possibility of parallel proceedings does not make Italy a more appropriate forum than England or vice-versa. Re the second argument, [161] the judge follows Dexia’s expert’s view that Law no. 280/1973 applies following Brexit, which permits reciprocal enforcement of English judgments in Italy pursuant to the 1964 Bilateral Convention between Italy and the UK. The Bilateral Convention was given effect in English law as the Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (Italy) Order 1973, extending the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933 to Italy.

On any view there is a good arguable case that Law no. 280/1973 applies given the views expressed by Professor Rimini and the matters he relies upon in that regard.

I am not so sure there is such a good arguable case, see eg X v Juno Holdings in The Netherlands.

A 168 para judgment on a jurisdiction challenge- yet again a lot of energy, time and money invested.



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