The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the University of Lucerne are organising a conference “Towards a Global Framework for International Commercial Transactions: Implementing the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts” in Lucerne on 8-9 September 2016.
The purpose of this conference is to present the impact and prospects of the Hague Principles of 2015 in the context of other instruments applicable to international commercial transactions.
For the programme and registration information see the conference’s website.
Pourvoi c/ Cour d'appel de Rouen, chambre de la proximité, 24 septembre 2015
Perhaps because it so reflected our children’s character [all ‘Duracell‘ kids] there is one part of Dr Seuss’ Cat in the Hat which has always stuck with me:
so all we could do was to
and we did not like it.
not one little bit.
I was reminded of the line, reading Bot AG’s Opinion in Case C-492/14, ‘Essent 2.0’ (not yet available in English at the time of writing). In order to promote the generation of renewable energy, Flanders law makes transmission of electricity generated from renewable sources, free of charge. However this courtesy is limited to electricity generated in installations directly connected to the grid. Essent imports (a considerable part of) its green electricity from The Netherlands. It does not therefore enjoy free transmission.
Bot’s disapproval of trade restrictions like these is well established and has often been reported on this blog. The CJEU disagrees with its AG on many of the issues. I am in general of the same view as the AG. Mr Bot continues to find the Court’s case-law unconvincing and makes no attempt to hide it. He repeatedly mentions that he is duty-bound to apply Essent /Vindkraft without believing they are good law. It is with obvious regret that he Opines that given the Court’s stand in Essent /Vindkraft, he has no option but to propose that the Court find the Flemish regime acceptable.
The AG does however leave open a future window for change: in particular, if and when the secondary law regime on renewable energy specifically, and energy as a whole, is amended, one may be able to distinguish Essent /Vindkraft.
Bot also reminds us of the unclear position of environmental exceptions under Article 36 TFEU and the Rule of Reason. He calls upon the Court formally to acknowledge that the Cassis de Dijon distinction between the Rule of Reason and Article 36 (the former does not allow ‘distinctly applicable’ national measures (read’ discrimination) while the latter does) no longer exists.
I do not like judgment in Preussen Elektra. Or in Essent. Not one little bit. It discourages the creation of a true European energy market. Perhaps the Court will surprise us all in Essent 2.0 and will correct some of the damage it has done with its standing case-law on the matter.
Clayton P. Gillette, Steven D. Walt, The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press, 2016, ISBN 9781316604168, pp. 451, GBP 37,99.
[Dal sito dell’editore] – Updated and expanded for the second edition, this volume provides attorneys, academics and students with a detailed yet accessible overview of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Adopted by more than eighty nations and governing a significant portion of international sales, the CISG regulates contract formation, performance, risk of loss, conformity to contractual requirements and remedies for breach. This volume explains the CISG doctrines and their ambiguities, and appraises the extent to which the doctrines reduce transaction costs for commercial actors. Its topic-based approach will be ideal for those pursuing academic analysis or subject-specific research.
Il sommario dell’opera è consultabile qui. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili a questo indirizzo.
Dans un arrêt du 30 mars 2016, la grande chambre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme juge que l’absence de poursuites individuelles à l’encontre d’agents de police londoniens ayant tué un ressortissant brésilien, pris à tort pour un kamikaze, n’emportait pas violation du volet procédural de l’article 2 de la Convention européenne (droit à la vie – enquête).
En carrousel matière: Non Matières OASIS: NéantUne association étant habilitée à prélever des cotisations résultant d’accords interprofessionnels étendus, sans toutefois que l’adhésion à celle-ci soit impérative, cette obligation au paiement ne porte pas atteinte à la liberté négative d’association du débiteur.
En carrousel matière: Non Matières OASIS: Association Convention européenne des droits de l'Homme Liberté d'associationLes avocats turcs Ramazan Demir et Ayse Acinikli sont emprisonnés depuis le 6 avril pour avoir exercer leur métier. Si la situation n’est pas nouvelle, elle empire. Tout défenseur des libertés peut, dans le pays, subir une répression arbitraire de la part d’Ankara. Le barreau de Paris et le Conseil national des barreaux saisissent l’ONU.
En carrousel matière: Oui Matières OASIS: Néant
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