On 16 and 17 November 2018, the University of Innsbruck will host a conference on the Regulations on matrimonial property and on the property consequences of registered partnerships which will enter into force on 29 January 2019. The conference, organised by Stefan Arnold (University of Münster) and Simon Laimer (University of Innsbruck), aims to discuss the new rules and their implications for the further development of the law.
The conference will be held in German. Participation is free of charge, but prior registration is required. The flyer can be found here.
The call as posted last week contained an error – the deadline for submission of the poster is not 1 October, but 1 November. My apologies. Find the correct text below.
The conference Challenge Accepted! Exploring Pathways to Civil Justice in Europe will take place at Erasmus School of Law on 19-20 November. You are invited to join us and young researchers are reminded to send in their poster. The deadline is 1 November 2018
Young researchers will have the possibility to present and discuss their work during the poster on 20 November. Posters should focus on the topics of the conference, and show originality. We invite PhD researchers or young academics to present their research in a poster format. The three best posters will be awarded a prize during the closing drinks.
More information on submitting a poster proposal can be found here.
This conference is organised by Erasmus School of Law at Rotterdam University under the ERC project ‘Building EU Civil Justice’ (www.euciviljustice.eu).
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at hoevenaars@law.eur.nl (Jos) or biard@law.eur.nl (Alexandre).
Le droit européen ne s’oppose pas à une réglementation nationale qui, tout en prévoyant un appel contre un jugement de première instance confirmant une décision rejetant une demande de protection internationale et imposant une obligation de retour, n’assortit pas cette voie de recours d’un effet suspensif de plein droit. Et ceci même si l’intéressé invoque un risque sérieux de violation du principe de non-refoulement, juge la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne.
Expert judiciaire
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