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29/2017 : 14 mars 2017 - Arrêt de la Cour de justice dans l'affaire C-158/14

Communiqués de presse CVRIA - mar, 03/14/2017 - 10:07
A e.a.
Espace de liberté, sécurité et justice EXT PESC DFON CHDF
Les activités de forces armées en période de conflit armé, au sens du droit international humanitaire, peuvent constituer des « actes de terrorisme »

Catégories: Flux européens

On ‘civil and commercial’, and, again, notaries as courts. The CJEU in Pula Parking.

GAVC - mar, 03/14/2017 - 07:07

Issued on the same day as Zulfikarpašić, Pula Parking Case C-551/15 deals with similar core issues, with a few extras thrown in. Pula Parking, a company owned by the town of Pula (Croatia), carries out, pursuant to a decision of the mayor of that town, the administration, supervision, maintenance and cleaning of the public parking spaces, the collection of parking fees and other related tasks. In September 2010, Mr Tederahn, who is domiciled in Germany, parked his vehicle in a public parking space of the town of Pula. Pula Parking issued Mr Tederahn with a parking ticket. Since Mr Tederahn did not settle the sums due within the period prescribed, Pula Parking lodged, on 27 February 2015, with a notary whose office is in Pula, an application for enforcement on the basis of an ‘authentic document’. A notary issued a writ of execution on 25 March 2015, on the basis of that document.  In his opposition, Mr Tederahn put forward a plea alleging that the notary who issued the writ of execution of 25 March 2015 did not have substantive and territorial jurisdiction on the ground that that notary did not have jurisdiction to issue such a writ on the basis of an ‘authentic document’ from 2010, against a German national or a citizen of any other EU Member State.

Does the Brussels I recast apply at all? And does it relate also to the jurisdiction of notaries in the Republic of Croatia?

On the temporal scope of the Brussels I Recast, the Court repeats its (Brussels Convention) Sanicentral (Case 25/79) finding: the only necessary and sufficient condition for the scheme of the Regulation to be applicable to litigation relating to legal relationships created before its entry into force is that the judicial proceedings should have been instituted subsequently to that date. Accession timing is irrelevant to the case: per C-420/07 Apostolides the Act of Accession of a new Member State is based essentially on the general principle that the provisions of EU law apply ab initio and in toto to that State, derogations being allowed only in so far as they are expressly laid down by transitional provisions.

On the substantial scope of the Brussels I Recast Regulation, for the issue of ‘civil and commercial’ the Court refers to its standing case-law (particularly most recently Aertssen and Sapir). In casu, it would seem (the national court is asked to confirm) that the parking debt claimed by Pula Parking is not coupled with any penalties that may be considered to result from a public authority act of Pula Parking and is not of a punitive nature but constitutes, therefore, mere consideration for a service provided. Brussels I applies.

However, notaries in casu do not act as courts: in a twin approach with Zulfikarpašić, the Court holds that the writ of execution based on an ‘authentic document’, issued by the notary, is served on the debtor only after the writ has been adopted, without the application by which the matter is raised with the notary having been communicated to the debtor. (at 58) Although it is true that debtors have the opportunity to lodge oppositions against writs of execution issued by notaries and it appears that notaries exercise the responsibilities conferred on them in the context of enforcement proceedings based on an ‘authentic document’ subject to review by the courts, to which notaries must refer possible challenges, the fact remains that the examination, by notaries, in Croatia, of an application for a writ of execution on such a basis is not conducted on an inter partes basis.


European private international law, second ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading Chapter 6, Heading 6.2.1.


CEDH : contrôle des mesures préventives italiennes d’assignation à résidence

La grande chambre de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme se prononce sur les mesures préventives d’assignation à résidence d’un ressortissant italien, ainsi que sur les procédures internes concernant ces mesures. 

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Catégories: Flux français

Save the date: 17 e 18 marzo 2017, a Torino, il secondo tirocinio formativo per avvocati sul regolamento Bruxelles I bis

Aldricus - lun, 03/13/2017 - 17:43

Si terrà a Torino, il 17 e il 18 marzo 2017, il secondo tirocinio formativo dedicato al regolamento n. 1215/2012 concernente la competenza giurisdizionale, il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia civile e commerciale (Bruxelles I bis), il quarto evento organizzato nella cornice del progetto European Civil Procedure for Lawyers: Promoting Training to Improve the Effectiveness of Transnational Justicecofinanziato dalla Commissione europea (si veda questo post).

Si tratta, come i precedenti (organizzati a Lucca e a Torino, per cui vedi qui, qui e qui), di un un tirocinio formativo a partecipazione attiva con presentazione, discussione e risoluzione di casi concreti rientranti nell’ambito di applicazione del regolamento Bruxelles I bis. La prima giornata sarà dedicata ai criteri di giurisdizione e agli accordi di attribuzione della competenza giurisdizionale, mentre nel secondo giorno si parlerà di riconoscimento ed esecuzione delle decisioni. I lavori saranno presieduti da Elena D’Alessandro (Univ. Torino), Silvana Dalla Bontà (Univ. Trento), Paolo Lombardi (Bar of Turin), Ester di Napoli (Bar of Florence), Violetta Zancan and Carlo Negro (both Bar of Turin).

La partecipazione al seminario è gratuita, prevede la distribuzione di materiali didattici e l’attribuzione di 4 crediti formativi per gli avvocati. L’evento è aperto fino ad un massimo di 30 partecipanti.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: La locandina dell’evento è disponibile qui.

Brexit: An Opportunity for Frankfurt to Become a New Hub of Litigation in Europe?

Conflictoflaws - lun, 03/13/2017 - 17:26

On March 30, 2017, the Minister of Justice of the Land Hessen (Federal State of Hesse), Eva Kühne-Hörmann, will organise a conference in Frankfurt to present the „Justizinitiative Frankfurt“ (Justice Initiative Frankfurt). This initiative was launched by Professor Hess (MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law), Professor Pfeiffer (Heidelberg University), Professor Duve (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) and Professor Poseck (President of the Frankfurt Court of Appeal). It suggests strengthening the regional and the higher regional courts in order to attract more financial disputes to Frankfurt. The initiative envisages both organisational and procedural improvements in order to raise the attractiveness of the courts in Frankfurt. The government of Hessen has endorsed the proposals which will be presented and discussed at the conference. The programme of the conference, together with a registration form (to be sent the 24 March at the latest),  can be found here.

Venue: Foyer des Präsidialgebäudes der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt am Main.

Conditions de la délivrance d’une assignation au Maroc

« L’assignation destinée à être délivrée à une personne qui demeure au Maroc est transmise directement au parquet dans le ressort duquel se trouve le destinataire de l’acte. »

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Catégories: Flux français

Quel avenir pour l’Europe ? Décryptage de la Commission

Quels sont les principaux défis et opportunités de l’Union pour les dix prochaines années ? C’est la question à laquelle la Commission européenne a tenté de répondre en publiant, le 1er mars 2017, son livre blanc relatif à l’avenir de l’Europe, illustrant cinq scénarios potentiellement envisageables en 2025.

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Catégories: Flux français

The second meeting of the Special Commission charged with preparing the future Hague Convention on judgments

Conflictoflaws - sam, 03/11/2017 - 19:00

The Special Commission set up by the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference on Private International Law to prepare a preliminary draft convention on the recognition of judgments in civil and commercial matters (the Judgments Project) met for the second time between 16 and 24 February 2017.

Building on the draft text elaborated in 2016, the Special Commission completed a new draft (the February 2017 draft Convention), which should form the basis for a new round of discussions in November 2017.

The second meeting of the Special Commission charged with preparing the future Hague Convention on judgments

Aldricus - sam, 03/11/2017 - 18:59

The Special Commission set up by the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference on Private International Law to prepare a preliminary draft convention on the recognition of judgments in civil and commercial matters (the Judgments Project) met for the second time between 16 and 24 February 2017.

Building on the draft text elaborated in 2016, the Special Commission completed a new draft (the February 2017 draft Convention), which should form the basis for a new round of discussions in November 2017.

Thank you, Martin, for 10 years of!

Conflictoflaws - sam, 03/11/2017 - 16:52

Dear Martin, dear all,

We would like to take the opportunity and thank you, Martin, very much for setting up and taking care of the blog for more than 10 years! Under your supervision the blog has developed into one of the leading and most influential platforms in the field of conflict of laws and this is a great achievement.

We also thank you and the other editors for entrusting us with the responsibility for this blog, and we will certainly try to continue its success story in close cooperation with all editors and readers. We will keep you posted on how we will proceed in the future and hope for your continued support and input.

Giesela and Matthias

Private International Law in an Era of Globalisation (paper)

Conflictoflaws - sam, 03/11/2017 - 11:29

A short working paper by Veerle Van Den Eeckhout on Private International Law in an Era of Globalisation has been published on SSRN. It is written in Dutch.

The English abstract reads as follows:

In times of (discussions about) globalisation, due attention must be given to the operation of rules of private international law. Examination of the ongoing developments in private international law itself and in private international law in its interaction with other disciplines from the perspective of “protection of weak parties” and “protection of planetary common goods” allows carrying out the analysis to which current developments invite.


Article L. 1251-5 du code du travail

Cour de cassation française - ven, 03/10/2017 - 18:27

Conseil de Prud'hommes de Paris, 27 février 2017

Catégories: Flux français

CJEU in Zulfikarpašić: Suggest generic criteria for ‘courts’; completes the analysis for the notarial question at issue.

GAVC - ven, 03/10/2017 - 17:05

The Court held  yesterday in Zulfikarpašić Case C-484/15. I review Bot AG ‘s Opinion here.  At issue is the interpretation of ‘court’ and ‘judgment’ in the European enforcement order Regulation. Mutatis mutandis therefore the case has implications for most other EU private international law instruments, which employ similar terms. In all of these Regulations, the terms ‘court’ and ‘judgment’ are under- or not at all defined. The CJEU in fact refers to considerations under the Brussels I Recast in its judgment yesterday.

For the determination of a ‘court’ the AG had emphasised guarantees as to independence and impartiality; the power to decide on one’s own authority; leading to a finding which was or may be subject to an exchange of arguments and may be challenged before a judicial authority. The AG had suggested that whether these conditions are fulfilled is for the national courts to assess.

The Court itself referred to a number of classic principles for the interpretation of EU private international law: autonomous interpretation; mutual trust; legitimate expectations. It then reformulated but essentially suggests similar criteria as its AG: for a finding to be qualified as a judgment, it must have been delivered in court proceedings offering guarantees of independence and impartiality and of compliance with the principle of audi alteram partem (at 43).In the Croatian procedure at issue, the notary issues an authentic instrument which, if it is challenged as to its content, is moved up the pecking order to court proceedings. The proceedings before the notary not meeting with the Court’s generic criteria, in contrast with the AG the Court itself already holds that the notaries at issue do not act as courts and their decisions are not ‘judgments’.


European private international law, second ed. 2016, Chapter 2, Heading Chapter 6, Heading 6.2.1. is back!

Conflictoflaws - ven, 03/10/2017 - 14:08

We’re very sorry for our disappearance over the last week or so, and we’re grateful to those of you who alerted members of our team to the problems in accessing the site. As it transpired, the problem was quite a serious one, and it has involved a great deal of fuss and bother to resolve it. But we are now back, and we’re back for good.

Those technical problems, however, have also highlighted the need for to be cared for properly, which I no longer have the time to do. I created this website back in April 2006, with the simple aim of keeping up-to-date on a large and complex subject that I was researching as a postgrad. Since then, the site has grown beyond all measure, and that really is down to the core of committed scholars who keep the content interesting and useful for us all. It is time that we allowed other colleagues to steer the future of this website, and take it forward into the next decade. I’m very pleased to say that Giesela Rühl and Matthias Weller have offered to take on that responsibility, and I wish them every success. I shall be cheering them on from the sidelines as, like all of you, I will remain an avid reader of

All the best, Martin George

Article L. 1451-1 du code du travail

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 03/09/2017 - 18:27

Conseil de prud'hommes des Sables d'Olonne, 1er mars 2017

Catégories: Flux français

Arrêt n° 280 du 8 mars 2017 (15-16.005) - Cour de cassation - Chambre commerciale, financière et économique - ECLI:FR:CCASS:2017:CO00280<br>

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 03/09/2017 - 18:27

Entreprise en difficulté (loi du 26 juillet 2005) - responsabilité et la
sanction - responsabilité pour insuffisance d'actif

Catégories: Flux français

Arrêt n° 275 du 8 mars 2017 (15-18.495) - Cour de cassation - Chambre commerciale, financière et économique - ECLI:FR:CCASS:2017:CO00275<br>

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 03/09/2017 - 18:27

Entreprise en difficulté (loi du 26 juillet 2005) - nullité des actes de
la période suspecte - action en nullité

Catégories: Flux français

Arrêt n° 316 du 8 mars 2017 (15-22.987) - Cour de cassation - Chambre commerciale, financière et économique - ECLI:FR:CCASS:2017:CO00316<br>

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 03/09/2017 - 18:27

Entreprise en difficulté (loi du 26 juillet 2005) - liquidation judiciaire - réalisation des actifs - Vente aux enchères publiques

Catégories: Flux français

Arrêt n° 335 du 7 mars 2017 (14-27.229) - Cour de cassation - Chambre sociale - ECLI:FR:CCASS:2017:SO00335<br>

Cour de cassation française - jeu, 03/09/2017 - 18:27

UNION EUROPEENNE - Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne

Catégories: Flux français


Sites de l’Union Européenne


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