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Joanna Jemielniak, Legal Interpretation in International Commercial Arbitration, Ashgate Publishing, 2014, ISBN 9781409447191, pp. 278, GBP 63.
[Dal sito dell’editore] – This book fills a gap in legal academic study and practice in International Commercial Arbitration (ICA) by offering an in-depth analysis on legal discourse and interpretation. Written by a specialist in international business law, arbitration and legal theory, it examines the discursive framework of arbitral proceedings, through an exploration of the unique status of arbitration as a legal and semiotic phenomenon. Historical and contemporary aspects of legal discourse and interpretation are considered, as well as developments in the field of discourse analysis in ICA. A section is devoted to institutional and structural determinants of legal discourse in ICA in which ad hoc and institutional forms are examined. The book also deals with functional aspects of legal interpretation in arbitral discourse, focusing on interpretative standards, methods and considerations in decision-making in ICA.
Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili qui.
La cour d’appel de Paris a rendu hier sa décision dans l’affaire dite des « contrôles au faciès », dans laquelle 13 personnes, estimant avoir été victimes de contrôles d’identité discriminatoires en raison de leur couleur de peau, avaient engagé la responsabilité de l’État (lire notre article).
En carrousel matière: NonDès le 1er juillet 2015, un nouveau règlement de procédure du Tribunal ainsi que des textes d’application (dispositions pratiques d’exécution du règlement, formulaire d’aide juridictionnelle, aide-mémoire) entreront en vigueur.
En carrousel matière: OuiNon renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
The 10th Anniversary of the Journal of Private International Law Conference is being held at the Faculty of Law, Cambridge University on 3-5 September 2015. Booking for accommodation closes soon – on 15th July. Booking for the conference and dinner will close on 13th August.
The conference offers an excellent opportunity to hear and discuss many issues currently facing private international law.
More information and registration is here. A draft programme is available on the same web site.
Droits de la défense ; Impartialité
Conventions internationales
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
Décision n° 2011-169 QPC du 30 septembre 2011
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
Non renvoyée au Conseil constitutionnel
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